The 1D license is valid for printing all linear barcodes like Code 39, Code 128, 2 of 5 etc. Please have a look at the manual for a complete list. The 1D license is also known as "classic" license.
1D + 2D License
The 1D + 2D license is valid for printing all 2D and linear barcodes like PDF417, DataMatrix, Code 39, Code 128, 2 of 5 etc. Please have a look at the manual for a complete list. The 1D + 2D license is also known as "plus" license.
Company License
The company license is valid for all PCs of the licensee. One company is one legal entity. Please contact us for a company group license?
Site License
The site license is valid for all PCs of one company at one site. A site if defined as the area which has one singe street address. We do need the street address with the order. The licensed location will be displayed by the software.?
Order Process
Online Order
Please fill out the online order form. We will email you a temporary license key and send you an invoice. After receiving the payment, we will email you the permanent license key. See also: Installing a license.?
Fax Order
You can order our Barcode Software EBI/CODER by fax. All information requested on the online order form should be included in your fax order. We will send you the invoice. After receiving the payment, you will receive your license key on diskette and via email or fax (on request). See also: Installing a license.?
Install License
Make sure that you have downloaded and unpacked the Barcode Demo Version. Run the setup program from the distribution. The setup program will automatically search for a license file in "A:\LICENCE.KEY" and for a file "LICENCE.KEY" in the same directory, where the setup program is located. If such a file is found and a license key is found in the file, its value is displayed in the upper left field of the setup dialog.
If you received the license key via fax, we recommend to create a floppy with the key before you run the setup.
If you already have installed the demo version, you can change the demo to a full version by running setup with the license key. You do not need to uninstall the demo.
There are different licenses for the Barcode Classic and the Barcode Plus version. Both licenses will be used with the normal demo setup.?
Cost of Ownership
Beside the purchase price of the barcode printing software, there will be other costs of ownership during the lifecycle of this product. The EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On for SAP R/3 is designed to keep these cost as low as possible.
Participation in new printer technology
Our EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On for SAP R/3 can be used on any printer, that is supported by Windows™ for graphical printing. This is true for virtually all printers available today. No manufacturer can ignore Windows today. This allows the assumption, that you will immediately benefit from any new printer type or technology in the future.
Printer replacement
Your printer is broken? Get any suitable replacement printer and install the manufacturer supplied windows printer driver. You do not need to contact us for a new printer driver. This gives you real flexibility, dramatically reduces your cost of ownership and makes our EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On for SAP R/3 really cheap.
License Management
The company license for our EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On for SAP R/3 will take away a time consuming and error prone process: License Management. With the company license, you are allowed to use the EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On for SAP R/3 on any of your computers. No need for checking and rechecking the number of installed instances of the EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On for SAP R/3. This reduces the administration overhead to near zero. You will love this.
Functional restrictions of the demo version
The demo version allows you to check out our product. The demo version has the same functionality as the "Barcode Plus" version. Nevertheless, it will randomly print the the "Demo Barcode" near the barcode.
The demo version can be converted to a licensed version by reinstalling it with the proper license key. A 30 day free trial license is also avaliable.
Print Process
All information about the SAP® system are given to our best knowledge but without any guarantee. Please consult SAP or an SAP consultant for guranteed information.
The printing process starts inside SAP. An SAP Report initiates the print to a specific SAP Printer. The data is collected in the SAP spool for a given printjob.?
When the SAP printjob gets ready to print, the SAP spool workprocess takes the printjob and formats the data according the printer description. The formating is controlled by the SAP printer type. When printing barcodes, this printertype has to be SAPWIN or a derived type with a name starting with "ZSAPWIN".
The formated data is then sent to the printer. The way, this is done, is controlled by the "Koppelart" or "print method". This connection method allows data to be submitted to the operating system, where the spool workprocess is running or to be send to another computer for further processing. Printing barcodes require processing on the SAPlpd, so connection method "S" must be used. This also requires you to specify the computer name where SAPlpd is running. ( BTW: Connection method "U" will not work. The data sent to the SAPlpd will not be processed with this method and passed one-to-one to the printer. See below... )
When the SAPlpd receives data with connection method "S" and printertype staring with "SAPWIN" oder "ZSAPWIN", SAPlpd will create a windows device context for this printer. SAPlpd will use the windows device driver for the given printer and print and draw into this device context like other windows applications like ms-word do. This gives you the ability to print to different printer types using the generic SAPWIN SAP printer descrition. You do not need to customize the specific printertype inside SAP.?
You can think about this device context as the current window on the screen or in our case, the current sheet of paper. But the windows device context only has a programm interface (API). It does no understand any "printer control codes" like a laserjet or any other printer out there. SAPlpd therefore interprets the control codes for the pseudo printer "SAPWIN"and translates them to api calls like "draw text abcde at position x y using font arial 10 pt" oder "draw line from x to y".
Interpreting these control codes also allows that the print data will be scanned for special escape sequences. One valid sequence is "b" ( Hex 0x1B, 0x62 ). All data up to the next character will be passed to the EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On for SAP R/3.?
At this point, the EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On for SAP R/3 enters the arena. It takes the data, analyses the control and data information given by the SAPlpd ( please see the manual for a description ) and computes the barcode. Along with the data, SAPlpd passes the windows device context. SAPlpd has already printed somthing on this paper and allows now our DLL to draw the barcode on this page. After drawing the barcode, the control is returned to SAPlpd to continue with the page and send it actually to the printer. In this light, you will understand that the EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On for SAP R/3 has absolutely NO influence on the printer selection. It just gets the prepared device context to draw the barcode lines on it. Therefor the EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On for SAP R/3 is optimal integrated into SAPlpd and will be able to follow all developments of SAPlpd with no adaption ( as long as this narrow interface holds ).
No Barcodes printed
There are several possible reason for missing barcodes.
Please check first:
Is the DLL loaded ?
Are the print controls defined inside SAP ?
Is the printer defined with connection method "S" ? See print process.
Is the printertype derived from SAPWIN ? See print process.
Does our sample ABAP from the manual work ?
Any error message in the SAPlpd protocol ?
You may want to check the debug logfile.
Please check the HEX display of the SAP spooljob. This is part of transaction SP01.
You should see the print controls in the spooljob.
Printout garbled after inserting barcodes
The process of formatting a page is unfortunately somewhat complex. The EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On for SAP R/3 is designed not to interfere with this process, but the insertion of print controls into the page does interfere.
To locate the problem, we strongly suggest to:
Make sure, the EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On for SAP R/3 itself does not cause the problem:
Please rename the file Barcode.DLL in the installation directory and restart the SAPlpd. Make sure, that there is no Barcode DLL message anymore in the SAPlpd log.
Retry your printing. Are the problems gone? Please contact us.
If the problems still exist:
Make sure, that the print controls do not contain any unwanted characters. Double check the hex data.
Use transaction SP01 ( spool jobs ) to find your spool job. You can check out the detailed layout for this job from here. Use the hex display of the job, you will see the print controls. The output likely does not look like you expected it. We had several reports that inserting (any) print controls into pages change the page layout. Please contact SAP or your SAP basis consultant how to influence the page layout inside SAP.
Extra text "bC=PSN9,B=65,H=3,A=0,D=": Please see here.
Extra text "bC=PSN9,B=65,H=3,A=0,D="
Some R/3 releases have a broken device type SWIN. Please copy SWIN to ZSWIN and change the print control SBS01: The text field shall be empty. Atributes "Extended" and "Converted" are OK.
No Barcode Extension found
The EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On for SAP R/3 is searched for in several locations.?
First the windows directory (C:\WINIDOWS) and then windows system directory (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM )
at tried, then the directory, where SAPLPD.EXE ist started from.
If the EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On is not found in any of these directories,?
SAPlpd does not give any message. Instead, it will print the barcode dll?initial message
only if the dll was found. If you see the message "Barcode DLL Version ..." in the SAPlpd protocol,
you have successfully loaded the dll.
Default Values
All defaults for the EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On for SAP R/3 are stored in the BARCODE.INI file, which normally resides?
in the windows directory ( C:\WINDOWS\BARCODE.INI ). If this file does not exist, WIN.INI will be used instead. Version 2.0.6 and before will use WIN.INI only. You will find a section?
[BarCode] in this file. These setting are mostly made up with the supplied BARTEST.EXE.
If no default is given in INI file, a coded "default-default" is used by the EBI/CODER.
The major settings are:
Version 2.0 and newer:
S1 is the thickness of the most narrow barcode line and gap. Default-default is 6.
RA is the ratio for the next thicker bar and gap. Valid values are 20,25 and 30 representing ratios of 2:1,2,5:1 and 3:1. Default-default is 20.
ADS addes extra pixels to the bars, not widening the gaps. Default-default is 0.
ADB addes expre pixels to the gaps, not widening the bars. Default-default is 0.
If no barcode width is enforced, these setting are translated to print pixels.
Otherwise they only represent the relative thickness.
R defaults the rotation of a barcode. Values 0,1,2,3 represent 0, 90, 180 and 270 degrees of rotation, measured counter-clockwise. Default-default is 0.
SEC is the default security for barcode PDF417.
Version 1.x:
S1 to S4 are the thickness of the barcode lines. Default-default are 6, 12, 18 and 24.
L1 to L4 are the thickness of the barcode gaps. Default-default are 6, 12, 18 and 24.
If no barcode width is enforced, these setting are translated to print pixels.
Otherwise they only represent the relative thickness.
All Versions:
PZ controls the checksum (1=on, 0=off) Default-default is 1.
BS controls the annotation of the barcode with cleartext (1=on, 0=off). Default-default is 1.
B is the width in millimeter ( 25.4 mm equals 1 inch ).?
When set to 0, no absolute width of the barcode is enforced. Default-default is 0.
H is the default height of the barcode in millimeter.?Default-default is 20.?
ID will define the default barcode. These values (depending on the version ) are accepted:
2 aus 5 Industrial (Default-default)
2 aus 5 Matrix
2 aus 5 Interleave
Code 39
Code 39 extended
Code 93
Code 93 extended
Code 128
Code 128 Subset A
Code 128 Subset B
Code 128 Subset C
EAN 128
EAN 128 Subset A
EAN 128 Subset B
EAN 128 Subset C
ZIP Postnet
MSI Plessey
PDF 417 (Barcode Plus only)
Code 49 (Barcode Plus only)
Code 16K (Barcode Plus only)
Code 16K Subset A (Barcode Plus only)
Code 16K Subset B (Barcode Plus only)
Code 16K Subset C (Barcode Plus only)
While reading the defaults from C:\Windows\Barcode.ini at initilization time, these settings for troubleshoot are also evaluated:
LogEnabled=9 # or 0 to disable
With these settings, the EBI/CODER will write a logfile with a lot of information.?The logfile can be placed anywhere where you have write access to.
This logfile is espacially helpfull to find out, what data is exactly sent to the EBI/CODER.
If the file C:\Windows\Barcode.ini does not exist then it can be created using the windows editor, e.g. with "notepad.exe". Please make sure to save this file as "Barcode.ini" and not "Barcode.ini.txt". Please contact your local administrator for assitance.
Please restart SAPlpd after changing the barcode.ini settings.
*** Don't forget to switch off the logging in the production version ***
Error Messages
There are several possible reason for error messages.
Barcode unknown
A illegal barcode identifier is given to the EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On for SAP R/3. The given code is not yet part of the error message, please have a look into the logfile.
The list of legal codes can be found in the documentation.
Illegal data length
The data length does not match the requirements of the barcode ( e.g. 8 digits required).
Please check that you did use right barcode.
Please check your program.
Please check the logfile.
Data contains illegal character
Data contains characters that count not be printed with the given barcode.
Please check that you did use the right barcode.?
Please check your data.
Please check the logfile.
Errorcode -9 Barcode Generation Error
Data contains characters that count not be printed with the given barcode.
Please check that you did use the right barcode.?
Please check your data.
Please check the logfile.
Errorcode -2 Barcode Generation Error
The data contains too many characters for this barcode type.
Please check that you did use the right barcode.?
Please check your data.
Please consider using a different barcode with greater encoding capacity.
Errorcode -16 Barcode Generation Error
The data section did non contain any data.
Please check your data.
If you are not sure that that you always have data for encoding, you can use "d=" instead of "D=" in the SAP print control. No barcode will be printed when using "d=" without data.
Unknown Escape Code
The most usual SAPlpd error message seen over the time is
"Unknown Escape Code ...". The message barely means, that SAPlpd did not understand?
the data sent to it from the SAP spool server. If this happens after adding the print controls?
to setup barcode printing, this just means: something was screwed up with the print controls or their use.
Please check:
Is everything EXACTLY setup as described in the manual?
Do the examples work?
At this time, the EBI/CODER Add-On is not called. So you will not find any message in the logfile beside the init messages. You need to dig into the SAP spool file for "strange" print controls or a SAP generated print control between the SBPxx and SBS01 print control.
Unknown Option
An illegal option was given to the Barcode DLL. The option (e.g. width, height, code etc.) is part of the?
error message. To see the complete command given to the dll, please have a look into the logfile.
Normally you should find a line saying something like
DoBarcodePrint called with command string:
This means "Use code 2 of 5 industrial, width = 100 mm, data = 1234".
Please remember, that the data portion has to be the last one character when you use "D=". "d=" allows for an empty data section.
The complete list of option can be found in the documentation.
SAP® has released their SAPSprint native 64 bit version.
Our EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On version 7 can be
used to create the well known barcodes for this
plattform too.
New SAP® GUI interface for our Barcode DLL:
The SAP® GUI for Windwos version 7.x supports a new frontend print
method "F". This print method is handled directly inside SAP GUI and does
not require the program SAPlpd anymore. The new SAP GUI local print does
support our EBI/CODER Barcode Add-On version 7 for frontend barcode printing.
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Business ByDesign, and other SAP products and services mentioned
herein as well as their respective logos are trademarks or registered
trademarks of SAP SE in Germany and in several other countries. This site is not
affiliated with SAP SE or its group
of companies.